Larry L Hillblom

Larry Hillblom: A Legacy of Innovation and Philanthropy

Larry Hillblom, renowned for his pivotal role in founding DHL Worldwide Express, left a legacy that extends beyond his business achievements. Hillblom’s profound impact continues through his philanthropic efforts, primarily via the Larry L. Hillblom Foundation (LLHF). Established in 1996, the foundation has significantly contributed to medical research, particularly within California, advancing the fields of diabetes, brain, and vision disorders. This blog post explores Hillblom’s life, his business career, and the enduring work of his foundation.

Early Life and Education

Born on May 12, 1943, Larry Hillblom was raised on a family farm in Kingsburg, California. The rural setting instilled in him a strong work ethic and determination, traits that would prove essential in his future endeavors. Hillblom pursued higher education at Reedley College, then transferred to California State University, Fresno, and finally earned his law degree from Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California, Berkeley. While studying law, he worked multiple jobs to support himself, including delivering packages for law firms in San Francisco. This job planted the seeds for what would become his groundbreaking venture in logistics.

Business Career

As a law student, Hillblom co-founded DHL Worldwide Express with Adrian Dalsey and Robert Lynn. They began with a simple yet revolutionary idea: to expedite the delivery of documents between San Francisco and Honolulu using air travel. This novel concept quickly gained traction, transforming DHL from a modest operation into a global logistics giant. Under Hillblom’s leadership, DHL expanded rapidly, initially focusing on the Hawaii-San Francisco route before extending across the United States and internationally. The company’s reach eventually grew to over 68,000 employees and 635,000 destinations worldwide.

Hillblom’s business acumen extended beyond DHL. He played a crucial role in rescuing Continental Airlines from bankruptcy and invested in various ventures and real estate holdings worldwide. These accomplishments solidified his status as a respected international businessman.

Legal and Philanthropic Contributions

In addition to his business pursuits, Hillblom made significant contributions to the legal field and philanthropy. He served as a Justice on the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, highlighting his legal expertise and commitment to public service. Hillblom’s philanthropic efforts were driven by a deep sense of compassion. He frequently encountered suffering during his travels and felt compelled to make a difference. One notable initiative involved bringing medical personnel to Saipan and Vietnam to care for children with cranial damage.

The Larry L. Hillblom Foundation (LLHF)

The Larry L. Hillblom Foundation, established with a bequest from Hillblom’s estate, operates as a California non-profit public benefit corporation. The foundation’s primary focus is funding medical research within the state, with substantial support directed toward research programs at the University of California. The LLHF’s mission is to advance medical science by supporting basic and clinical research and initiatives related to patient self-care and management. The foundation prioritizes research efforts aimed at curing, treating, and managing diabetes mellitus and chronic and degenerative diseases associated with aging, particularly brain and vision disorders.

Impact of LLHF

Since its inception, the LLHF has awarded approximately $150 million in grants, significantly impacting medical research. These funds have fostered innovation and breakthroughs in several critical areas of healthcare. The foundation’s primary focus on diabetes mellitus has resulted in 132 grants dedicated to understanding, treating, and ultimately curing this debilitating disease. These grants have supported groundbreaking studies that have advanced knowledge and paved the way for new treatments and management strategies.

The foundation also emphasizes studying chronic and degenerative diseases associated with aging. With 185 grants awarded in this area, the LLHF has supported research that seeks to improve the quality of life for aging populations by addressing conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and other neurodegenerative disorders. Additionally, the foundation’s focus on brain and vision disorders has led to significant advancements, pushing the boundaries of medical science and bringing hope to countless individuals affected by these conditions.


Larry Hillblom’s legacy is multifaceted, encompassing his remarkable business achievements and lasting contributions to medical research and philanthropy. As a co-founder of DHL, Hillblom revolutionized the logistics industry, creating a global leader in express delivery services. His entrepreneurial spirit and innovative approach set new standards and inspired future business leaders.

Through the Larry L. Hillblom Foundation, Hillblom’s impact extends far beyond the corporate sphere. The foundation’s support for medical research has led to significant advancements in understanding and treating various diseases, benefiting countless individuals and families. Hillblom’s commitment to improving healthcare and supporting the underprivileged reflects his deep compassion and desire to make a positive difference in the world.

Larry Hillblom’s life and legacy are testaments to the power of innovation, determination, and compassion. His journey from a law student delivering packages to a co-founder of a global business empire is a remarkable story of entrepreneurial success. Through the Larry L. Hillblom Foundation, his legacy continues to shape the future of medical research, driving progress and offering hope to those affected by debilitating diseases.

The foundation’s ongoing efforts to support groundbreaking research and address critical healthcare challenges ensure that Larry Hillblom’s vision of a better world remains alive and thriving. For those who wish to support and engage with the foundation’s mission, there are numerous opportunities to get involved and contribute to the continuation of this remarkable legacy.

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